Debate Club

Debate club aims at exploring the various thoughts and ideas the students share on different aspects. The club provides a platform for the young minds to develop critical thinking and confident communication. It develops the aptitude for research in students along with the abilities to articulate arguments and clarify ideas. It intends to develop the skills of language learning in students. The club also focusses on developing soft skills like team work, perseverance, and acceptance.



The Career Guidance and Placement Centre of the College is headed by the Placement Coordinator. CGPC conducts mock interviews and group discussions on a regular basis to equip students with confidence to face the challenges of present competitive job sector. Career Guidance and Placement Centre conducts various programmes to make students aware of their career opportunities. CGPC organizes soft skill development programmes to polish their interpersonal communication skills and mould them into better personalities. Placement Coordinator Mr.Manu T N (Assistant Professor ,Department of English)



Arts Club provides a platform for the talented students to come out confidently. The motto of the Arts club is to inspire and enable our students to actively explore and develop their talent and skills that will develop artistic expression. Every year the club is conducting arts festival for the students to exhibit their talents, certificates and trophies are awarded. Club is also providing training for the talented students in order to send them for various competitions in other Colleges and Universities.



Sree Narayana Guru College of Advanced Studies College Literary club aims to develop the creative impulses of the student community. It offers opportunities to the students to be part of various kinds of literary activities. The club also focuses on non literary activities to assess the logical and intellectual progress. Literary club organizes debates, essay writing competitions on a regular basis.



Sree Narayana Guru College of Advanced Studies, Varkala has an excellent sports club . The sports club of the college is engaged in training the students for various sports events. The club promotes sports and games in the campus. The club also pays special attention in identifying young talents. The main objectives of the college sports club are, * To maintain energy level and enthusiasm to improve sporting skills. * To develop qualities like leadership and team work among students. * To keep the students both physically and mentally healthy. To maintain energy level and enthusiasm to improve sporting skills. To develop qualities like leadership and team work among students. To keep the students both physically and mentally healthy. The college sports club also focuses in providing coaching for committed performers. It provides all amenities and facilities for games such as cricket, volleyball, football, boxing, badminton etc. and prepare students for inter collegiate and University level competition.



The club’s vision is to develop sensitivity among students in particular and the community in general regarding health and nutrition. The main responsibility of the Health Education is to take the initiative in creating awareness among the people regarding the major health hazards the courses of many of the fatal diseases and their preventive measures. Our team is taking paramount steps in making the students aware about the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. We invited resource persons to discuss topics such as health, diet, fitness awareness about health-related problems and hygiene. By conducting various awareness programme to promote good nutritional tips to help students’ growth and promote human development.



Nature Club is a non-political, self-sponsored and voluntary student organization. It is an autonomous organization of nature lovers from various departments of the college. Some objectives of Natural club are to sensitize, create awareness, motivate and educate students about environment conservation. Today, the human society is facing severe environmental problems like climate change, greenhouse effect, energy crisis, depletion of natural resources, biodiversity loss, pollution of air, water, soil etc. The scope of the problem is from local level to global level. Higher educational institutions can be the best solution to solve this situation because environmentally responsible citizens accept responsibility for what happens in their community not only environmentally but also politically and socio-economically. If it is the role of colleges to educate members of society, then they must be actively instrumental in the sustainability movement.



“Science is simply the word we use to describe a method of organizing our curiosity”. Science club is a platform for the students to realize their scientific aspiration and organize their curiosity by participating in science activities. The club aims to stimulate interest in science, recognize and encourage science talents and provides opportunities to develop scientific habits thereby increase the outlook of students in science and technology.



The Women’s Club of the College with its avowed objective of women empowerment and improvises the social status of the female. It is a community of girl students who can share a common purpose of learn, educate and collaborate on ideas that have the power to effect meaningful and positive change while fighting the odds they face. It briefs the students about the scope and significance of women’s education in the contemporary scenario.



This is a centre for students, teachers and non-teaching staff of the college where the lofty ideals, philosophy and vision of Sree Narayana Guru is taught, studied and discussed for better understanding and deeper insight. The function of this centre is particularly relevant for the forum is functioning in the name of great Guru who is a universal spiritual preceptor, a contribution of India to the world at large in the 19 th and 20 th century. The world finds in him the wonderful transformation of a great sage with the ecstasy of spiritual bliss, into an inspired and incomparable social reformer. The club guided, monitored and supported by the teachers ,invited experts or persons of reputation to interact with the members of this forum.



Gandhian Studies Unit aims in spreading the ideologies and message of Mahatma Gandhi among the youth and students. This conducts various programmes to create awareness among the students about the importance of Gandhian way of living. The programme also helps the students in learning of life and people around them. It conducts various cultural programmes during the important days such as Gandhi Jayanthi, Independence Day and other national days. The principles and ideologies are well communicated to the public through processions and street plays. Various debate competitions and quiz competitions were conducted as part of the Gandhian Studies unit.



National Service Scheme was introduced in 1969 with the primary objective of developing the personality and character of the student youth through voluntary community services. It is necessary to arouse the social conscience of the students and to provide them an opportunity to work with the people in the villages and slums. It is felt that their interaction with the common villagers and slum dwellers will expose them to the realities of life and bring about a change in their social perception. The Motto or watchword of NSS is NOT ME BUT YOU. This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation from the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings. The symbol of NSS is based on the Rathwheel of the Konark Sun Temple Situated in Orissa. The adopted village of our college for sramadan is vattaplammodu colony. Conducting various programmes such as surveys, poor aid programmes, flood relief campaign, awareness classes etc.