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Sree Narayana Guru College of Advanced Studies, Sivagiri, Varkala

Sree Naraya Guru College of Advanced Studies was established in 2013 in the name of great saint, social reformer and educationist Sree Narayana Guru. Our founder manager is Sree Vellappally Natesan ,Secretary of SN Trusts, general Secretary of SNDP Yogam and manager of S N Educational Institutions .This is a Self Financing College affiliated to the University of Kerala, approved by the government of Kerala and managed by Sree Narayana Trusts.The college is led by a group of visionaries and educationists with the intention of the educational uplift of the weaker sections of society.

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Principal's Message

 Sree Narayana Guru College of Advanced Studies is a new mile stone in the self financing sector by Sree Narayana Trusts which has already established as a prominent presence in the arena of higher education in Kerala. The College envisages to equip the students to face the present challenges in the field of contemporary global competition. Hence the college focuses in grooming the students by providing them value based education in an environment of mental and physical fitness .The vicinity to Sree Narayana Guru’s Samadhi provides such a naturally healthy ambience. We offer conventional UG & PG programmes along with New Generation Programmes. The faculty includes well experienced retired teachers from various Aided colleges and a grou..

Prof. V. S. Lee

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Shri. Vellappalli Natesan



The management of the College is vested in the Executive Committee constituted by SN Trusts. Sree Narayana Trusts was formed in 1952. Shri. R. Sankar was the first General Secretary of the S.N Trusts. Under his stewardship, S.N Trusts, named after Sree Narayana Guru, functioned effectively and efficiently. The main intention behind the formation of S.N Trusts is to manage the educational institutions under S.N.D.P Yogam. The institutions operated by the Trust follow his spiritual guide's footsteps, trying to create strength through organisation and to seek liberation through education. The Trust aims to realize the high ideals of Sree Narayana Guru who professed the welfare of all without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed or religion.


The administration of the College is on the pattern followed by reputed institutions in India. The manager of the College is Shri. Vellappalli Natesan and also the founder manager of this institution. The academic administration of the College is vested in the Principal and the College Council. The general administration is under the jurisdiction of the Management.

Vision and Mission

Sivagiri Sree Narayana Guru College of Advanced Studies is a product of Sree Narayana Trust ,one of the most important and flourishing educational agencies in Kerala. All the educational institutions under Sree Narayana Trusts are guided by the vision of the great leading light and preceptor Sree Narayana Guru, who has given the world the inimitable slogan-One Caste One Religion One God. He has also given the marginalised all over the world the most practical message to enlighten and empower themselves through education.


The vision of Sree Narayana Guru College of Advanced Studies (SNGCAS) is Education For All. Education for Oneness and one’s all round empowerment .The all round empowerment of each individual is of both physical and spiritual. This in turn will empower the society, the country and the world in general through generations.


The College envisages as it’s mission, in its onward journey the overall empowerment of every student who joins the college and through the student the gradual empowerment of the surrounding society and gradually trickling down the sparks of cultural enrichment to an ever-widening horizon of culture and humanity.

Our Courses


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Post Graduation


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Major & Honours


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Major & Honours


Our Departments





Department of English is one of the founding departments of Sree Narayana Guru College of Advanced Studies, started functioning in 2013.The College provides B A and M A in English Language and Literature. The department has been rated very high in academic circles from its inception. The Department of English is honored to have a well-qualified and experienced team of faculty. The Department of English constantly focuses to kindle research aptitude among students by organizing Seminars and Paper Presentations.




The Department of Commerce came into being in 2013 with B. Com Taxation course. The department is keen to acquaint students with service of the highest order and excellence for facilitating the growth of their inner potential and also for contributing towards their moral, intellectual and personal development. The department has experienced its excellence with committed staff and dedicated students who stand up to the reputation of the college in the fields of academic and extracurricular activities. The department of Commerce started B Com Co- operation stream in 2019.




The Department of Political Science has been part of the curriculum since 2015. The department strives to build up a group of students committed to the common pursuit of moral, intellectual and academic excellence. The eminent faculty helps to nurture intellectual curiosity, patriotism, the spirit of tolerance, service mentality and unity among students. The faculty enables a better world through scholarship and teaching. The department is at the forefront to provide progressive and liberal education to the students.